The Internet is a miracle of communications, technology and data. However, underneath all the wonder and freedom comes the hard reality of what it actually is – cable stretching from our devices all the way around the world and back to our devices. Trust, privacy and security are paramount if you are participating in the digital economy.
Gartner predicts that at least one of the G20 nation’s critical infrastructures will be disrupted and damaged by online sabotage by 2015.
One of the most important defences we can utilise in establishing robust trust and privacy is training of staff to recognise the need for constant vigilance in these matters and implement appropriate safeguards.
Under the ocean’s floor it’s much harder to protect our vital Internet infrastructure from natural enemies like Trojan “Sea Horses”! Maintaining a reliable, secure network means monitoring for any event that could cause a reduction in end-user service performance.
Sea Fibre Networks have built a bridge under the oceans floor that transports data to and from Ireland, the UK and the rest of Europe. It’s called CeltixConnect.
We protect this vital European link through proactive network management from our Network Operations Centre. Our Cable Landing Station in East Point Business Park, Dublin is monitored 24x7x365 to ensure the uninterrupted transmission of your data.
While you implement bespoke solutions that integrate with your existing network or third party infrastructure, trust us to keep your investment safe. Protecting your data on Europe’s newest dark fibre sub-sea network is simple. Call us today for an expert assessment of you telecommunications backbone network.
+35316624399 or e-mail