1. Sea Fibre Networks Uncovered

    October 19, 2012 by Sarah

    Sea Fibre Networks is a new breed of privately owned, carrier neutral telecoms company, specialising in the operation and construction of sub-sea telecoms infrastructures. In January 2012, SFN completed CeltixConnect, a completely diverse 144- fibre network, designed with the shortest route connecting Ireland and the UK. In a short space of time CeltixConnect has become the lynchpin of Internet and data communications between Ireland and the UK delivering service from Dublin to London for customers such as Colt and euNetworks. CeltixConnect, is Europe’s first subsea network construction in over a decade. Here are some vital points you must know about Sea Fibre Networks.

    1. Unique business model – SFN is carrier-neutral and not built by a consortium. This enables SFN to market infrastructure to all service providers minimising the need for their own infrastructure investment. SFN exclusively markets dark fibre and does not compete with its customers by selling lit services or owning third party terrestrial networks, instead enabling them with new opportunities through our Partner Network Programme.
    2. Company philosophy – Customer relationships, quality of service and education of the market is at the core of our company philosophy. SFN has built a modern brand to represent a modern telecoms provider and aims to educate and build global awareness of the importance of sub-sea telecoms to the Internet.
    3. New, Innovative products – Dark Fibre is offered on a wholesale basis to service providers and large enterprises, mirroring the service model of metro fibre. For organisations who wish to own their own network infrastructure but lack the resources to manage long-haul dark fibre networks, SFN recently launched Bright Fibre. This enables organisations to exploit the benefits of dark fibre without needing to employ the resources and associated costs.
    4. Use of technology – SFNs operating model is to innovatively utilise technology for management of the network. Cloud services are maximised for data management with mobile communications and advanced marine technology for network monitoring and management.
    5. Funding – SFN raised $15 million through Investec Bank and a US based private equity investment group CCEI, during a global recession. This success was directly related to the uniqueness of the business and its long term vision.
    6. Vision – SFN’s long-term goal and vision is to connect Ireland, UK and mainland Europe as resiliently as possible, enabling as many International connections as possible. e.g. Asia-Pac, Transatlantic etc. The next phase of SFN’s evolution will be the construction of FastnetConnect. This will connect Ireland to France and link back to the UK creating a resilient loop of subsea connectivity between Ireland, UK and mainland Europe. Fastnet Connect will be constructed using the shortest routes possible to minimise latency. Ireland and the UK are the stepping-stones for future investment into Europe from America and Asia and SFN are enabling this.

    “From the outset we found working with Sea Fibre team a pleasure, they were highly skilled and knowledgeable …… All of the interface issues were identified, planned and executed with seamless ease. We found working with Sea Fibre Networks was extremely professional.” Colt Engineering Team.

    “The CeltixConnect sea cable will enable Colt to benefit from the lowest latency route between Dublin and London and represents the continued expansion of our information delivery platform’s capabilities throughout Europe.” François Eloy, Executive Vice President Colt Technologies

    “This diverse link between the United Kingdom and Ireland serves euNetworks’ customers in the financial services, carrier and media segments who depend on highly reliable, scalable and low latency connectivity services. These customers depend on euNetworks for a state-of-the-art network infrastructure like CeltixConnect that supports their future ambitions.” David Selby, Vice President of Product and Strategy of euNetworks

    Call us today to discuss your network +35316624399

  2. The Staffordshire Gateway, the carrier neutral option.

    October 10, 2012 by Sarah

    Today announced we announced the launch of our Staffordshire Gateway, an unrivalled interconnection point made possible by constructing a high fibre count terrestrial network from Balterly to Halmer End. At the Staffordshire Gateway our customers can now access a range of six fibre providers enabling them with a choice of route, Service Level Agreement and cost efficiencies.

    We have brought the Carrier Neutral Data Centre Model into the networks world demonstrating our commitment to carrier-neutrality and further minimising dependency on single operators, ensuring the customer is always at the forefront of choosing the best suited solution design for their requirements. By constructing the Staffordshire Gateway, SFN bypass a longer (158km), more northerly route to London increasing diversity and lowering costs for customers. This newly constructed Dublin to London route satisfies demands for capacity and low latency driven by digital services and online gaming industries typically requiring shortest route connections and extreme speeds.

    Our CTO, Tom McMahon said: “In the past customers rarely had a choice in backhaul provider at this location. However the addition of the Staffordshire Gateway ensures the customer is at the centre of the solution and can design a network bespoke to their requirements such as low latency (length), cost, existing relationships, or scalability.”

    Today, we were not only launching the new Staffordshire Gateway, we are launching our company ethos of carrier-neutrality too! If you are a network provider and do not want to be competeing with your service provider at market level give us a call today to discuss your network requirments +35316624399 or email us today here.